Section 2.2.2

Editing a Question

Editing a question is a semi-often used operation by the test-maker. In the following scenario, the test-maker edits a M/C question from the Question Bank that was created in a previous scenario (see Adding a M/C Question).

The test-maker edits a question by pressing the Edit button on the Question Information dialogue (see Question Information). Once pressed, the test-maker is brought to a screen similar to adding the particular type of question.

For our scenario, Figure shows what the test-maker sees after pressing the Edit button.

Figure Editing a M/C question

The test-maker can edit everything but the Type and is therefore greyed out (disabled). The Type is disabled because if the test-maker changed the question type, he/she is essentially adding an entirely new question.

Once the test-maker is satisfied with the edits he/she has made, clicking the Update button updates the question in the Question Bank.